
Located near the Western Freeway, 15km west of Bacchus Marsh, Myrniong is a quaint town offering a rural landscape with nearby views over the Wombat State Forest and

Werribee Gorge State Park.

Myrniong is known for its many bluestone buildings including the historic Plough Hotel which has recently under gone a renovation and restoration and now is serving high quality meals to locals.

Myrniong is also home of a local primary schools which has an excellent reputation for quality education.

The Greendale/ Dales Creek area was considered a convenient half way stoppage point between Ballan and Blackwood following the discovery of gold in the 1850’s. Today Greendale is described as a little hollow surrounded by green hills with Dales Creek in the middle. It is home to the half completed church build by the notorious bush ranger ‘Captain Moonlight’ and has a Pub/General store situated in the Valley at the town’s main round about.

Both towns offer a great selection of large house blocks (1/4 acre plus) to 1-5 acre lifestyle properties all the way up to full functions farms of 100 acres and above.